OK, you want some of the easiest, quickest ways you can improve your health and wellness?
Take 60-seconds out of your day to:
Eat a handful of blueberries. A recent study by Tuft University ranked blueberries the number one free radical fighting food. High in flavor and nutrients and low in calories, blueberries are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.
Buy a new toothbrush. The ADA recommends replacing your brush after three months or after an illness like a cold or the flu in order to keep your mouth and body healthy.
Use earplugs. A University of Michigan study finds that blood pressure is more affected by overall noise exposure than sudden loud noises. So turn down your ipod and wear a pair of earplugs to your next rock concert and your heart will thank you.
Snack on some dark chocolate. Chocolate? Healthy? Yup! Not only is It full of antioxidants, there is even evidence that the cocoa phenols found it dark chocolate also lowers blood pressure. Just make sure that its dark chocolate.
Take several deep breaths. The expression “take a breather” has some merit – deep breathing helps reduce stress, clear and focus the mind and release endorphins (that help relieve headaches, sleeplessness, backaches and other stress related aches and pains).
Drink a glass of red wine. Moderate red wine consumption may help protect against certain cancers and heart disease, and help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.