I was just reading an article in this month’s issue of O Magazine* where Martha Beck talks of an experiment run by psychologist Bruce Alexander in the 1970s on lab rats to determine which ones become addicted to drugs, and which don’t. His theory was that rats who lived in cages would most certainly become hooked because of their miserable existence. To test his theory, he created what he called “Rat Park” – a 200 sq. foot piece of rodent heaven – complete with balls, cans, greenery - everything a rat could want. He then offered a morphine solution to the rats living in Rat Park and those living in the traditional cage set up. Not surprisingly, the rats in cages became morphine junkies, and those living in the “Rat Park” had no problem refusing it.
So what do morphine addicted rats have to do with getting in shape? For most of us, EVERYTHING! Think about it: how many times do you use food as a drug? I know I am guilty of it: I eat when I am stressed, sad, disappointed, you name it. Chocolate has helped me numb myself during many a rough time. When I read this article, it really struck a chord with me. I thought back to all the times I was struggling to get in shape, or lose some weight – those were the times I was living in a cage. As soon as I began living in my own version of a “Rat Park”, staying healthy and in shape was easy. Life feels good today, and so does my body. Exercising is something I get to do, not something I have to do. I want to eat healthy because I need all the energy I can get to keep working on these projects I am passionate about. OK, so I am sounding a little like Pollyanna now, but you get my drift (and I do still have a little chocolate- everyday- in fact. But I now consider it a celebration, not an escape).
Picture your own Rat Park. What or who is in it? What would it take to make it a reality for you? What would happen if you focused on building (and living) your dream instead of watching the numbers on the scale?
I’d wager to bet your smile would be a lot bigger and your pants a lot looser.
*Excerpted from “Lisa K.’s Diet Diary” from the January 2007 Issue of O Magazine